A Quote by Ken Schoolland on freedom, liberty, life, and self-ownership
My philosophy is based on the principle of self-ownership. You own your life. To deny this is to imply that another person has a higher claim on your life than you do. No other person, or group of...
View ArticleA Quote by Butler Shaffer on control, responsibility, self-control,...
If it is our desire to live as free men and women, we must abandon our habits of looking outside ourselves for answers. It is to our ownminds, our own fears, to which we must have resort. To be "free"...
View ArticleA Quote by Butler Shaffer on control, responsibility, self-control,...
Because we are self-controlling beings, we are also responsible for our actions. This is not a moral or ethical proposition, but simply a causal one: I am responsible for what I do because I am the one...
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